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Umpire Program

Training Requirements

Umpires must be at least age twelve by 05/1/2025 to register for the program in 2025.

Umpires are required to attend ALL training sessions for their assigned level.  

New Umpires should attend A level clinics.  Please attend a AA if you miss or plan on missing one of the scheduled A clinics. 

Umpires under the age of 14 MUST have a parent/guardian at the field when they work a game for the entire game.  This is a Department of Labor requirement.

All umpires under the age of 16 must submit a valid work permit each calendar year to DGYB,  Please refer to the 2025 Work Permit Letter at the bottom of this page.

Registration for the 2025 season is closed. 


Any inquiries about registration can be submitted to

2025 Umpire Clinics

Umpire clinics will be conducted either via  zoom on selected Thursday from 7:15 to 8:15 pm or in person at the DG Rec Center on Sunday mornings  from 7:30 am to 9:30 am . The Sunday meeting time of 7:30 AM is NOT a typo - trainers will be in the gym at the Rec Center bright and early on Sunday mornings!  

Attendance  at the assigned level clinics is mandatory for all umpires at each level. If an umpire is not available to attend a session,  please let the trainers and Umpire director know via email as soon as possible. Umpires that cannot attend all training sessions may be removed from the program. Makeup sessions are not guaranteed to be added to the schedule. The ZOOM link will be sent to all registered umpires in advance of the meeting.


Melissa Mears

Director, Umpire Development