Rick Renteria, Manager of the Chicago White Sox shares training tips from the Big Leagues. Click on the link above for tips from the pros.
Rick Renteria, Manager of the Chicago White Sox welcomes you to the 2018 Spring Season. Click on the link above.
Michael Huff, former White Sox Outfielder and President of White Sox Youth Academy shares tips on hitting. Click on the link above for tips on how to improve your hitting.
Michael Huff, former White Sox Outfielder and President of the White Sox Youth Academy shares pitching tips. Click on the link above for tips on how to improve your pitching.
Michael Huff, Former White Sox Outfielder and President of White Sox Youth Academy shares outfield defense tips. Click on the link above for tips on how to improve your outfield defense.
Michael Huff, Former White Sox Outfielder and President of White Sox Academy shares tips on infield defense. Click on the link above for tips on how to improve your infield defense.
Coach demonstrates some fun and useful drills to help players become better hitters.
Watch this video to help you with successful pitching
Hitting tips from Sox Hitting Coach Todd Steverson watch the entire video and practice what Coach Steverson demonstrates.