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Spring 2025 DGYB Registration

2025 Registration is open.

Click Here to Register

Welcome to the 2025 Spring Season for Downers Grove Youth Baseball (DGYB). 

DGYB offers Baseball Leagues for children ages 6 through 16. The Leagues are divided among age groups specified below. More information about the Leagues can be found at the Leagues webpages at these links: 

Developmental (Ages 6-8)

Youth Leagues (Ages 9-12)

Babe Ruth League (Ages 13-16)  


For Instructional (Ages 6-7), Rookie (Age 8), and Youth Leagues (Ages 9-12) the baseball age is based on the player's age as of August 31, 2025.  DGYB Babe Ruth Prep 13 includes all players who will be 13 as of August 31, 2025. For ages 14-16 Babe Ruth League follows the national organization age cutoff of April 30, 2025.

We expect registration for ages 6-8 to be full by February 28, 2025. After that date there may be a wait list. School-based team rosters for ages 6-8 will be filled based in registration date order. 

Don't delay registering. Teams for ages 9-12 will be drafted in mid-March. Players registering after teams are selected will be randomly assigned to teams.

Babe Ruth (Ages 13-16) teams will be drafted in early April. There may be a wait list for players who register after March 31.


Out-of District Fee is extra

Players who reside outside HS District 99 boundaries are charged an additional $65 Park District Fee



Developmental and Youth League practices will begin in early April after Downers Grove schools return from Spring Break. Teams will be selected before Spring Break. Players/Parents will be notified on what team they are placed via email from the team manager.

Babe Ruth League will select teams and begin practices in mid-April.


  • Registration for Spring 2025 is to be completed online at
  • Please complete each section of the form.
  • To support our mission, each player and parent/guardian must review and agree to the established Code of Conduct and Waiver provided in this registration form.
  • In order to receive updates from your coach, league and event information, please check 'yes' in the box in the parent/guardian profile section. DGYB is respectful of your privacy and will not use your contact information to solicit information.
  • The following online payments are accepted:  Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or online electronic transfers from your checking account.
  • Don't delay registering. While there isn't a deadline to register, players who register after March 11, 2024 may be placed on a wait list. Teams for ages 9-12 will be drafted in mid-March. Players registering after teams are selected will be randomly assigned to teams.
  • For ages 13-16 the teams will selected in early April and registration will be open at least through March 31st.

Play Ball,

DGYB Board of Directors

An Important statement from the Chairman of Downers Grove youth Baseball:

Dear Parents,

The safety of all children participating in Downers Grove Youth Baseball has always been the number one priority of the board of directors of DGYB.

On February 14, 2018 the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sports Authorization act of 2017” was signed into law and became effective immediately.

We are required to have back ground checks of all managers and coaches which DGYB was already administering.  We will continue to have this program as a requirement to manage and coach for DGYB. We are also required to have a safe sports policy in place, which we have included links on our site.  All volunteers will receive this plan along with educational documentation.

Also, please find the following links on our site: Parents Guide to Child Abuse/Molestation Risk Management Program along with the Abuse/Molestation risk Management Program document.  Before the season begins these programs will be discussed with the coaches and they will sign off that they have received this information.


Jim Tremmel

Chairman of the Board of Directors